" The life and death of the human hair is a tale of little interest to ordinary mortals. But to the electrologist, who often plays a principal part in this microscopic drama, knowledge of the hair's life cycle is vital to success. As executioner, she must destroy those renegade hairs which mar the countryside with their prickly presence, and to do so she must fully understand the hidden mechanisms which aid and abet them." -Hinkle and Lind
There are three modalities of electrolysis: galvanic, thermolysis, and the blend. Careful examination of the skin and hair help me decide what is best for your treatment.
Electrolysis works on every skin type, hair type and color, and can be done on any area of the body. If you have unwanted hair we can treat it.

Electrolysis delivers a very small current and with either heat or a chemical reaction, or a combination of the two, it breaks down the hair within the follicle, killing the reproducing cells.
Electrolysis works with the moisture within the follicle, that is why it is so important you come to your appointment well hydrated with limited caffeine intake the day of your treatment.
A small probe, no bigger than the follicle is inserted, a current is set, and when it is over the hair is successfully removed. Although there can be discomfort associated with the treatments we will find the right settings to get your through each session. Things that help are a good sleep, low stress, and little to no caffeine the day of your appointment as well as good skin hydration.